Accreditaties en notificaties
Kiwa België is een geaccrediteerde certificatie instelling. Onze certificaten kan u raadplagen via deze linken:
Kiwa Belgium-accreditatie-EN ISO 17020-2012
Kiwa Belgium-accreditatie-EN ISO 17021-1:2015
Kiwa Belgium-erkenning-TD categorie B, C en D
Gelieve hieronder de accreditaties en notificaties van Kiwa te willen terugvinden, via onderstaande linken (in het Engels):
Kiwa accreditations by country (PDF)
Kiwa notifications by country (PDF)
Voor een overzicht van andere (internationale) accreditaties en notificaties, gelieve de globale Kiwa website te bezoeken.
Notified Body
- Machinery Directive: NB 0476, 1984
- Construction Products Regulation (CPR): NB 0560, 0558, 0694, 0770, 0799, 0956, 1032, 1119, 1984, 2304, 2392
- Gas Appliance Directive (GAD): NB 0063, 0694, 1984
- Boiler Efficiency Directive (BED): NB 0063, 0558, 0694
- Pressure Equipment Directive (PED): NB 0476, 0620, 1984
- Electro Magnetic Compatibility Directive (EMC-D): NB 0063, 0560
- Low Voltage Directive (LVD): NB 0063
- Measuring Instruments Directive (MID): NB 0476, 0620
- Equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres ATEX (2014/34/EU): NB 0620
- Marine equipment: NB 0560
- Medical devices: NB 0476, 1984
- Radio and telecommunications terminal equipment: NB 0560
- Lifts Directive: NB 1984
Approval Body
- Construction Products
- UK Water Regulations Product Approval for Plumbing Products
- UK Building Regulations Product Approval for Unvented Water Heaters
- IECEx: International Electrotechnical Commission System for Certification to Standards Relating to Equipment for use in Explosive Atmospheres
Accepted laboratory*
- Product Testing Plumbing Products (UK Water Regulations)
- TMV3 (UK NHS Spec DO8) Thermostatic Mixing Valves
- WRAS: UK Water Regulations Advisory Scheme
- DVGW: German Water Related Products
- IECEx: International Electrotechnical Commission System for Certification to Standards Relating to Equipment for use in Explosive Atmospheres
* Product Testing services only. Product approval/certification by other bodies.
Accredited training
- ACS requirements for CORGI registration (gas)
- OFTEC oil technicians
- BOAS Boiler, Operative Assessment Scheme
- NIC Part P Domestic Installer Scheme DISQ
Accreditations by European Accreditation Bodies
BELAC, DakkS, Accredia, ENAC, Swedac, Türkak, RvA and UKAS. For verification of our notifications, visit the website of NANDO (New Approach Notified and Designated Organisations).