Many companies already record their greenhouse gas emissions for a variety of reasons. The carbon footprint is used in sustainability reports, is part of voluntary climate protection programmes or is mandatory to participate in emissions trading. Companies recognise the increasing pressure from politics and society to operate sustainably and use the Carbon Footprint to be able to transparently communicate their impact on climate change. At the same time, carbon footprinting enables the identification of cost-effective CO2 reduction opportunities and the management of greenhouse gas risks.
The Carbon Footprint of Products (CFP) following ISO 14067 records the total CO2 emissions that occur directly or indirectly over the life cycle of a product system. This means from the production phase through the use phase to the disposal phase. For many companies, it has proven useful in the past to draw up an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) following ISO 14025 or EN 15804 directly instead of a CFP, since other environmental impacts are also taken into account here in addition to the global warming potential in CO2 equivalents.
Based on the calculated values of a carbon footprint, compensation projects can be supported through the purchase of so-called CO2 certificates. In this way, a contribution can be made to the climate goals. We would be happy to advise you on this topic.
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