The Kiwa Product Compliance team has a wealth of expertise spanning across multiple technologies, frequencies ranges and product types. This enables us to act and respond quickly to both manufacturer inquiries at product development stage, and regulator queries during both the initial research phase and also the Type Approval review process.
Regulatory Updates
The worldwide Regulatory environment requires constant monitoring in order to ensure that new regulations or proposed changes can be identified as early as possible and their impact fully considered. Kiwa Product Compliance sit at the forefront of such changes, bridging the gap between the Regulator and our customers and providing insight into Regulatory changes across the globe.
As any company which has been affected by a significant regulatory shift will know; fast, reliable and frequent updates can make the difference between compliance and failure to meet the required standard. Kiwa Product Compliance provide this advice free of charge to our customers, and are later published on our website. Regulatory updates are issued whenever news in learnt that might impact them, as soon as that news in learnt, and until the change has been completed.
To sign up for free regulatory updates and receive them without delay, or to request a quotation please contact us.
Industry Seminars , Conferences and Lobbying
Attending seminars and conferences as well as visiting key regulators is a great way of keeping up to date with changing regulations, seeing what's going on behind the scenes and more importantly allows you the opportunity to voice your own opinion on issues that will affect your company and your future products.
However, as we know, these demands can be all too frequent and can each require several days of your valuable time. Kiwa Product Compliance can solve this problem for you. We are happy to attend such events or arrange meetings with key regulators on your behalf. As with our offering for research and regulatory intelligence, we can tailor such activities to suit your needs and deliver feedback in the expected format - ensuring your compliance needs are met and delivered as expected.
Kiwa Product Compliance are conveniently located for easy access to all major European and Asian cities, and are happy to travel to internationally on your behalf.
Wide range of Radio, Telecom, and ITE devices and consumer Electrical & Electronic Device for testing and certification
A few example of products to obtain Radio (RF), Telecom and ITE Type Approval:
- Consumer Electronics
- Vehicle Telematics
- Wireless Industrial Electronics
- Internet of Things
- Network and IT equipment
- WLAN, Bluetooth, UHF RFID & Short Range Devices
- Cellular Radio
- Fire Alarm Systems
- and many more Radio, Telecom, and ITE devices and consumer Electrical & Electronic Devices
Testing and certification standards
The following testing and certification standards are included in our services:
- RED Europe
- ISED Canada
- MIC Japan
Radio Certification
- European Notified Body (RED, EMC, MED, CPR)
- FCC Certification (TCB)
- Canada ISED Certification
- Japan MIC Certification
Global Market Access
- Australasia
- Europe
- Mexico, Central America and The Caribbean
- Middle East
- South America
- South East Asia and Indian Subcontinent
Please email us or call +44 (0)1844 273277 for further details or to request a quotation.