BRCGS Global Food certification is carried out against the BRCGS Food Safety Standard, a leading global brand recognised by thousands of customers worldwide. It has certificated over 18,000 suppliers in over 100 countries around the globe. It was also the first Food Safety Standard to be benchmarked by the GFSI. The BRCGS food certification standard is designed to protect the consumer, and ensure that manufacturers and suppliers involved in the food chain meet their obligations.
Kiwa also provides services for the Organic sector.
BRCGS Global Food certification can be used by any food processing operation where open food is handled, processed or packed. This could be from primary products such as fresh produce pack houses and slaughterhouses through to processed foods, canneries and ready to eat products.
BRCGS Issue 9 was implemented February 2023. Contact us to book your BRCGS Issue 9 training course
Whether you’re an established global supplier or based in an emerging market, the BRCGS food standard will ensure your customers have confidence in your food safety program and supply chain management. What’s more, by improving food safety, the Standard will also help you reduce waste, complaints, recalls and rejected products. You can also use your certification as a marketing tool by displaying the BRCGS food Standard logo on your publicity materials, stationery and website. And your business will appear on the BRCGS Directory too, giving you further recognition.
Each manufacturer or supplier is assessed by an accredited certification body like Kiwa, against specific safety, operational and quality criteria. It gives food retailers, working within a highly competitive market place, legal, technical and financial advantages. Achieving the BRCGS food standard demonstrates to customers that the producer has robust product safety systems in place to allow for confidence in the supply of a safe, legal and good quality product.
We also certify BRCGS Storage and Distribution, BRCGS Agents and Brokers and BRCGS Packaging Materials schemes.
This GFSI benchmarked standard is for all food businesses whether they supply into retail, wholesale or business to business. It covers primary processors (abattoirs, flour mills, dairies) to retail processing and packing operations. Compliance with this standard helps ensure that your products are safe, legal and of a quality that means your customers make repeat purchases.
BRCGS Food Standard Audit frequency
Frequency of inspection depends on the grade awarded which is based on the number and level of non-conformities. Audits are at least every twelve months, dropping to six months if the site doesn't meet the required level of compliance.
BRCGS Food Standard Audit duration
Audit duration is based on standards specific audit duration calculators to determine how long an inspection should be. Factors such as the size and complexity of your company, the number of HACCP plans and number of people will all be taken into account but will be a minimum of one day in duration for Storage and Distribution, Agents and Brokers, with a minimum of two days for food businesses, but can be up to four days for larger, complex sites.
BRCGS Food Standard Training days
We also offer a number of BRCGS certified training days including a conversion course, Third Party Auditor (5 days), and training on Issue 9. BRCGS food certification is recognised internationally, and gives customers confidence in your food safety programme.