For whom is this scheme applicable?
This scheme is applicable to:
- Manufacturers
Producers of systems and system components. And in most cases, the owner (or licensee) of system patents. - Suppliers
Parties supplying end users who design the assembly (system integrator) and realize the installation. A supplier may also be the party that carries out the periodic inspections, tests and maintenance of the system after initial commissioning. - End users and their insurers
The end user is the owner and/or user of the system and the location where it is located. And therefore, legally speaking, usually the first person responsible for safety at the location. The end user must have ensured that the system meets all requirements and can be used immediately in the event of calamities. Regular maintenance and required system inspections & tests are also an essential part of this. Fire protection systems are often installed on the basis of laws and regulations or on the basis of insurance requirements.
Internationally applicable
The TIC scheme K21045 Fire Protection Systems is internationally applicable. International cooperation between manufacturers, installers and maintenance companies in this sector is increasing. Many end users of these systems also operate internationally. And around fire protection, all parties are confronted with a diversity of different rules and standards; system and quality requirements can differ internationally and sometimes even regionally.
Module structure
This scheme has a modular structure. Not every fire protection system works the same and functional requirements differ as a result. However, organizational processes around product design, manufacturing, installation and maintenance are often the same. And herein lies an advantage of this TIC scheme. From a certification perspective, the total manufacturing and supply organization is approached generically with this scheme. And at the level of detail of the specific security systems, the scheme offers the necessary interpretation and supplementation where necessary. Including meeting any locally or nationally applicable standards and guidelines. Schema K21045 is therefore modular.
Depending on the system type, different modules are assembled into one continuous chain. This module structure makes it possible to certify manufacturers and suppliers for one or more activities (manufacturing, design, installation and/or maintenance) per one or more types of systems.
Internationally applicable
Based on this scheme, the following specific scopes are possible:
A. Water Mist Systems;
B. Automatic Sprinkler Systems;
C. Gas extinguishing systems;
D. Oxygen reduction systems;
E. Aerosol Systems;
F. Powder extinguishing systems;
G. Foam systems;
H. Water Spray Systems.
The activities for which a manufacturer and/or supplier can obtain a quality declaration per scope are:
- Manufacturing (at systems or on system component level)
- Design & installation
- Maintenance
In order to demonstrate to the client that the installation meets the requirements set out in the document with basic assumptions, there is a possibility to have an inspection carried out by an accredited institution within this scheme. Conformity will be looked at, and in the event of a positive assessment, Kiwa FSS will issue a declaration of conformity.
Process steps
This international Testing, Inspection and Certification scheme includes all relevant requirements which are employed by Kiwa when dealing with applications to issue and for the maintenance of a certificate for products, processes and services used for fire protection systems.
Certification of your component or company based on the TIC Scheme K21045 starts with an application, after which you receive a quote. On the basis of this quotation you can conclude a certification agreement with Kiwa. This is followed by an independent admission audit in which Kiwa FSS/Kiwa NCP assesses whether the criteria for certification are met. If the result of the examination is positive, certification follows. If any shortcomings have been identified, you must resolve them first.
After the initial audit, periodic audits and inspections will be carried out annually to establish that the certified processes and performed work continue to meet the set requirements.
Why Kiwa Fire Safety & Security (Kiwa FSS)?
Kiwa FSS is an independent and reliable Certification and Inspection body for certifying companies and inspecting installations in the field of fire and burglary protection. A Kiwa certificate gives a justified confidence in the quality of the certified company, product or installations. This can provide a selection advantage for clients and reduce any failure costs.