The smallest crack in an otherwise intact coating or covering on a steel construction can lead to corrosion. CB protects steel, even after a covering has failed.
In addition to being an independent intermediary, Kiwa is your expert partner for setting up policy and implementing protection concepts or for on-site inspections. Kiwa would be pleased to translate specialist CB information to your day-to-day management practices, provide a required second opinion or assist your with designs and measurements. Our inspections will not only tell you whether the CB is still in order, they can also be used to localise pipelines, assess the quality of coverings or check whether you need to look into, for example, material contact with another metal construction.
In order for you to benefit optimally from our services, it is important for your wishes to be clear beforehand. On the basis of your enquiries, Kiwa can prepare an action plan with a price quotation. If you agree, the work will be carried out and all the details will be reported to you (in writing and/or verbally).
Target group
Owners and managers of steel pipelines and storage tanks.